Naruto the ultimate quiz

Many have tried but few have passed do you think you can do it will you fail like the others I wish you the best of luck just don't go running to your mom or dad when you fail.

But truefully I don't think you can pass without any help so good luck because after this if you pass you should be able to brag all you want good luck because you are going to need it.

Created by: John
  1. who does Naruto like
  2. What are the five sound ninja's name
  3. Who are team 7
  4. Finish the sentence (naruto Uzamaki)
  5. does Rock Lee fight Gaara
  6. Who Uses a puppet to fight
  7. Who does Hinata like
  8. Does Asuma die
  9. Who is the chunin
  10. What village does Gaara live in

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