Naruto Quiz how well do you know Naruto

Hey there I am a fan of Naruto so yeah I love naruto a lot I'm so greatfull to Masashi Kishimoto thx man all the love I really want to try Ichiraku Ramen

This quiz requires thinking I will be asking you some questions and you need to try to get them right how does its sound? Good luck. so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Created by: Narutofanboy2222
  1. Who is the eight tails jinjuriki
  2. Who is the 7th hokage
  3. Who was hokage the longest
  4. Who taught Naruto the rasengan
  5. What is Naruto's favorite food
  6. Which Naruto character is apart of the Akatsuki
  7. Who won in the chunin prelims exam
  8. Who says art is a explosion
  9. Who is apart of the aburame clan
  10. Who is Naruto's sensei

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Quiz topic: Naruto Quiz how well do I know Naruto

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