Naruto Lovers' 2

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Ok. second part to Naruto's lovers curse. If you haven't seen the seriese, go away of watch it or read it. But don't read this. Cuz I'll kill you. With a HAMSTER!!! Ya. I went there.

So, I'm, uh...kinda out of things to say.........goggly eyes!...............I like the name Trixy.......It's ya.............54!

Created by: Reanna15146
Personality Test
  1. Last Time: While watching Kiba do the fang-over-fang with Akamaru, I saw a flash in some nearby trees.
  2. I hunched down and started growling. My ears were pinned against my head and I could feel my muscles flex slightly. Hearing my growl, Kiba turned his head towards me. "____? What's wrong?" He walked over to me, Akamaru trotting behind. Once beside me, Akamaru followed my gaze and started growling as well. "Akamaru? What's up with you guys?" He sighed. Then Shino walked over to us and called into the trees, "Come out! We know you're there. There's no use hiding any longer." Kiba looked confused until he put the peices together. "ooohhhhh." I sighed and thought 'He's not the brightest...'. Hinata had come over to us by now. "What's going on?" She asked in a nervous voice. Just then, a boy with short red hair and a gourge on his back walked out of the forst. My eyes were drawn to the mark on his forhead. Kiba looked nervous suddenly. "Aren't you from the village hidden in the sand? What are you doing here?" The boy didn't answer. Instead, his eyes focused on me. A shiver went up my spine. His glare was peircing. His neon eyes never blinked. "Who are you?" No one spoke, though everyone knew he was talking to me. I sighed and sat up, but left my gaurd up. "I'm ____ ____. And you?" He paused. "Gaara." He answered simply. I felt that I had nothing to fear from him, and, against every thought in my mind, relaxed. All was silent for a few moments. Then Gaara slowly walked over to me, completely ignoring the others. Though they all still backed up. I stood and put on my poker face, not knowing what to think of this one. "Why were you hiding in the trees?" I asked. "What are you?" He said, ignoring my question. "Why were you hiding in the forest?" I repeated, more demanding. "I don't know" He answered. Somehow, I knew asking further wouldn't make any progress, so I answered his question. "I don't know what I am. I was found only shortly ago outside the village with no memory of anything." I heard Hinata ghasp slightly, then there was silence. "I see." Gaara said, standing. He started walking back towards the forest, then paused and looked over his shoulder. I gave him a small smile. "I think we'll be seeing more of eachother, ____ of the leaf." And with that, he was gone.
  3. "I swear I peed my pants." Kiba joked to Hinata. Then he turned to me. "Wow, ____! How'd you DO that?!" "DO what?" I asked, copying his enthusiasm. "He means how did you speak to Gaara so casualy?" Shino said. Though his voice was calm, I noticed he'd broken out in a cold sweat. "I dunno. He just didn't seem like he'd hurt us. That's all. I didn't feel threatened." Shino was silent, Hinata was trembling, and Kiba had gone home because I guess he wasn't kidding about peeing his pants. Soon, I ended up wandering around the village. Well, I planned on going home, but got lost. I sighed and decided to sit by a small stream I'd come across. I sighed again, laying down on my back, hands behind my head. Before I knew it, I'd dozed off...
  4. *** I'm standing in a dark place. I feel something hot on my face. I reach up and realize I'm crying. Though I don't know why. Suddenly I'm surrounded by a bunch of people, but can't see their faces. They're whispering and side glancing at me. 'Have I done something wrong?' I thought. All the people faded away and I was in complete darkness once again. In front of me was a large pool of water. I knelt down and looked in, expecting to see my reflection. But I saw a bunch of people dying. I couldn't see what was killing them. Discusted, I looked away. Suddenly, I was on a hill. It was a dark evening and I looked down in the grass. In place of my shadow was that of a snareling monster, tails flicking around wildly. I wasn't scared. I just looked down at the shadow, feeling pure misery. Then the scenery changed, and I was in darkness once again. But I seemed to be glowing faintly. I looked down and I wasn't wearing any cloths. There was a large mark on my stomach. It was a large swirl with smaller marks coming off of it. I touched it with the tips of my fingers and it was gone. Now I was once again surrounded by the strange people. Then I was on a street. In the evening, I looked at my shadow. It was in the shape of a monster once again, but this time it was different. And there was only one tail. I heard a loud chuckling and then I was back in the darkness. I looked down at the pool once again, having no controle over my body. I saw kids running, screaming, and I felt tired. Very tired. But I knew sleeping was bad. Then the water showed me my reflection. On the left of mt formead was writing, but I couldn't tell what it said. Then the water dissapeared and I saw Gaara and Naruto, only they were little kids. Naruto looked angry, and Gaara looked so innocent. Then they grew into their regular ages. They pth turned to me, pitty in their eyes. Then they faded away, replaced by the void that surrounded me. They'd left me here, all alone***
  5. I woke up with a start. Someone was leaning over me, shaking me. "Wha..." "You'll catch a cold sleeping out here, ya know." Said a leisurly voice. I looked up to see a boy with black poneytail that reminded me of a pineapple because it was so spikey. It just LOOKED like a pineapple, ya know? "Uhh.." He sighed. "Well, I'm kinda lost... Could you tell me which way to go to Kiba Inuzuka's house?" He raised an eyebrow. "You live with Kiba?" "Ya, kinda. You know him?" He nodded. "So is that some kind of jutsu?" He asked, motioning to my tail and ears. I sighed. "No. They're natural. He looked surprised. "So what's your name?" "Shikamaru. You are?" "____."
  6. I woke up with a start. Someone was leaning over me, shaking me. "Wha..." "You'll catch a cold sleeping out here, ya know." Said a leisurly voice. I looked up to see a boy with black poneytail that reminded me of a pineapple because it was so spikey. It just LOOKED like a pineapple, ya know? "Uhh.." He sighed. "Well, I'm kinda lost... Could you tell me which way to go to Kiba Inuzuka's house?" He raised an eyebrow. "You live with Kiba?" "Ya, kinda. You know him?" He nodded. "So is that some kind of jutsu?" He asked, motioning to my tail and ears. I sighed. "No. They're natural. He looked surprised. "So what's your name?" "Shikamaru. You are?" "____." "Well, I guess I can show you. Man, what a drag." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. I giggled. "Well thanks." The way to Kiba's house was silent. By the time we got there, it was getting dark out. Shikamaru said bey and left. I opened the front door to the livingroom. As soon as I walked in, Akamaru tackled me to the floor and started painting my face in saliva. "Eww..." Kiba came running out and stopped right in front of me. Then he hid behind me and yelled out, "She's here!" Then he spoke to me as I heard someone running down the stairs. "____, thank God you're here! He's been driving me crazy worrying like your freaking dad!" Just then, Neji came running down the stairs. He had a stern look on, just like a dad about to scold his child. "Oh. Neji!" I yelped, giving him a bear hug. He gave out an almost undetectable sigh and put a hand on my head. "____ whaere have you been?!" "I, uhhh...I got lost and fell asleep by a stream." I put on an innocent face. Neji sighed again. You shouldn't wander off by yourself until you know your way around the village and surrounding area. I told you that." "But it's his fault," I pointed to Kiba. "Hey! How's it my fault?!" "You just ran off!" "That's Gaara's fault!" "Don't blame Gaara for you being a wuss!" "I'm not!" "Yes you are!" "Ok, stop arguing. Kiba you were SOPOSED to keep an eye on her!" He yelled. It was strange to hear Neji yell. "I told you. It's Gaara's fault!" "I said don't blame this on Gaara!" "What are you, his girlfriend?!" "No! I ust-" I was cut off by Akamaru wineing and pulling at my pant leg with his teeth.
  7. "What is it?" I asked, not understanding. He ran off out the door. We went outside to see an ambu member waiting for us. "What now he goes to ___? That's just messes up." "Shut up, Kiba" I said, wondering what an Ambu member was doing here. Then Kiba's sister came out. "What's going on?" The member then spoke up. "We're here to retrieve ____." Then Neji stepped farward. "For what purpose? I was never informed of this." I was basicly Neji's responsibility because he found me and accepted the job. "That's classified information." He replied simply. I was hiding behind Kiba. Something told me that going with this man was a bad idea. "Well, you're in my houshold. I refuse to hand her over without a proper reason and report. I was never informed of such a thing. You'll have to provide me with proper information." He paused. "It's been requested that ____ is to be brought in for research." I shivered. Then Kiba yelled. "WHAT?! You want to do experiments on her?! Not happening! I won't let it!" And Akamaru started growling. "Don't be a fool, boy. You don't stand a chance againdt a group of Ambu." His sister said. "A group?" Then five more masked people appeared. "We will rerieve her. With force if neccisary."
  8. Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. comment and rate?
  10. abc

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