naruto love quiz first person

Do u love naruto? Well we'll see about that when u take this quiz.i hope u will like this because it took me very long to make it but anyways amazing awesome

Love!school sucks but it is also ur fault and ability that ot is awesome to much i think u r a boy and girl for wat i have heard about from ur family and friends

Created by: Alina Chen
  1. U r walking down the streets when suddenly naruto comes up behind u and says "wanna go grab ramen?" You.......
  2. U and Naruto go to the ramen stand and ino sees u there and asks why you and naruto were together you....
  3. After u finish eating ramen u and naruto walk home.Naruto secretly follows u home and enters ur house he lays u down on the bed and says i love u you......
  4. U and naruto say good bye and u go to sleep. When u wake up u see sasuke kissing u you......
  5. U go outside and see sakura there she asks u if u want to go to a party with her and u say sure! When u get to the party ino comes up to u and asks if u wanna go grab a drink with her
  6. After u drank u went to the bathroom and met naruto there in the big stall. Naruto locked the door and started making out with u. You...
  7. When the party is over u meet shikamaru he asks u wats wrong and u tell him everything he tells u its going to be okay and u walk home when u get home u call...
  8. Random: Wats ur favorite color?
  9. The next day u go on a mission with Sakura and Naruto and u r looking for a serial killer when u found the serial killer you...
  10. After the mission u buy icecream for Sakura and Naruto you get yourself....

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