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Okay so before we start make sure you're mentally unstable perimeter is high. You can check it over here:

You have to get atleast a 51% unstability to continue with this test.Once you've gotten your required result, you can continue playing quiz and stuff.

Created by: derpisole
  1. first of all, do you like explosive stuff like nukes or bombs?
  2. what would u use when u were in zombie apocalypse
  3. do u like lgbtq
  4. what was your answer to the last question?
  5. how clean are your teeth
  6. are you popular or known in a way
  7. is ishowspeed gay?
  8. 🗿
  9. do you like bombs, ropes or lamp oil
  10. there is nothing we can do.
  11. lastly, I just wanted to say go f# yourself

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