Name the Rapper!!!!!!

There are many true rappers, but few are rap geniuses. A true rap genius will get 1OO percent on this quiz. So start your engines and read paragraph two. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you a genius? If so then you will get 1OO percent on this quiz. So good luck and have fun. HAVE FUN! If you get below 1OO percent you need to go listen to some country music 'cause you don't know anything about rap.

Created by: Kenny Dude
  1. Which rapper's name is Dwayne Michael Carter?
  2. Which REAL rapper's name sounds like some one from a church?
  3. Which rapper is king of Atlanta?
  4. Who has a mixtape called Loisianimal?
  5. Which Drake is Lil' Wayne's apprentice?
  6. Which rapper let's his hips swing?
  7. Who has 9mm speakers?
  8. Who's famous quote is:"I don't want a broken heart cuz i'll loose the pices"
  9. Who owns the song "I'm Illy"
  10. Who is the best rapper alive?

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