Name that Ty beanie boo !!

There are many smart people, but a few true beanie boo geniuses. Beanie boo geniuses know many secrets about Ty and their products. They also know the personalities of many beanie boos.

But the question is: Are YOU a beanie boo genius? Do YOU have unstoppable Ty beanie boo knowledge? Thanks to this awesome quiz, you will find out in a couple of short minutes!

Created by: Cat
  1. Which beanie boo likes burritos?
  2. Which beanie boos are BFFs?
  3. Which beanie boo has a birthday on February 18?
  4. Which beanie boos are in love?
  5. Which beanie boo is unpopular at school?
  6. Which beanie boo is a tiger?
  7. Which is the rarest beanie boo?
  8. Which beanie boo is a Chihuahua?
  9. Which beanie boo has a birthday on June 10?
  10. Which beanie boo has a birthday on November 29?

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