Name that show!

HI! I WANTED TO DO A NON Warriors-related quiz so I came up with this. Using a quote or theme song, see if you can find out these shows. Some you may not know about so don't feel bad if you don't know the answer to one.


Created by: Rit
  1. (Quote)"She's not my girlfriend!"
  2. (Theme song)"D-d-d danger lurks behind you"
  3. (Quote)"AALLLVINN!"
  4. (Quote)"We put the "Fun" in no refunds!"
  5. (Theme song)"Got a s'more in my hair"
  6. (Theme song)"Dance, dance with the fam"
  7. (Quote)"Pikachu!"
  8. (Theme song)"It feels like a party e-very d-ay"
  9. (Theme song)"Let's go make some v-di-os!"
  10. (Quote)"Go us! Go us!"

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