Mystery Quiz for you to find out

Hi! Sometimes I can't stand not knowing the topic of stuff or things off topic. You can be different. Don't feel bad at the end and love yourself.

Before you begin, a few rules: Answer honestly be polite if you comment, plz be about the quiz, not like do this stuff and something will happen. Its not true. Finally good luck!

Created by: Jeanie Jean
  1. Welcome!
  2. What topic should we do?
  3. Let me decide, I guess. What do you like off topic stuff?
  4. Do you like star wars?
  5. Which book is your favorite out of these? All of these are my favorite
  6. Do you like images that contains music and/or insturments?
  7. What kind of background do you like on quizzes on gotoquiz?
  8. I'm planning on changing my name to something else. What should I pick?
  9. Okay well bye! Just for the next question will be dots so let fate decide after this. Are you ready?
  10. fate question.
  11. last fate.

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