My shout-out quiz

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Are you a katqueen45 fan?do you think you will be noticed by katqueen45 herself?do you know everything about katqueen45? Are you a fan girly girl?well we can only see,if she gives you a shout-out to you personally,IF.

^O.o so many questions.not that many it coincidental?or are you a Katqueen45 fan by heart,or are you a random girl who just wants a shout-out?

Created by: katqueen45

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hola amigos!my tí¬a died.I bet your wondering what tí¬a means aunt.just a random fact.don't feel bad,it happened like a year ago.
  2. I will count down from fifth place we have....Mythologyfreak!
  3. Mythologyfreak never took my quizes,but once you see the stories she made you will feel real in fourth place is....xbox360fan!!
  4. Xbox360fan is just like mythologyfreak she never really like actually took my quizzes,but they inspire third we have....chopinssonata!!
  5. You guessed it chopinssonata is another second place we have....xxblutixx!!
  6. xxblutixx is actually not just an inspire to me,but she is also a!finally.the've all.been waiting for...first place goes to.........
  8. Lol jk its....(answer in next question)
  9. Its.........MARCELINE 101!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
  10. AND there is a prize!!
  11. Sorry,can't think of a prize right now,but in the next quiz I will type something about the quiz :) P.S. the score will see if you were one of the people I gave a shout-out to or if you just took the quiz for fun!

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