My little pony comics quiz

You may know a lot about the series and movies but how much do you know about the comics? Take this quick quiz to find out. Only ten hard questions so no sweat ;)

I have read all the my little pony comics but I couldn't find a quiz on it so... I made one. I hope you like it and hope you get good results. Good luck!

Created by: Girlz
  1. in the first issue who does Queen Crysalis capture and hold as ransom
  2. In the Nightmare Knights series, Which name does Tempest Shadow (Fizzleberry pop twist ) take in the alternate world
  3. In the legends of magic-Somnambula and the Snake issue,What has the snake eaten that made him a giant
  4. Whose backstory is shown in my little pony issue 40
  5. In my little pony annual 2014, which television show teaches humdrum and the power ponies the meaning of friendship
  6. In my little pony mini series issue ten, where does Celestia go to after giving her responsibilities to Luna
  7. In my little pony mini series issue five what color is poniacci's mane
  8. In my little pony issue seven how many ways does Rainbow dash say she can escape
  9. In my little pony friends forever 06 what does Rainbow dash find out about trixie's crown
  10. In legends of magic issue one what spell is Luna unable to do

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