my lil level up quiz

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level up quiz:djiuytrewWhat does the phrase level up mean?to increase or improve something in order to make it the same as other things of its type. The government is levelling up the tax on beer and wine. Synonyms and related words. To increase, or to increase something.

What does the phrase level up mean?to increase or improve something in order to make it the same as other things of its type. The government is levelling up the tax on beer and wine. Synonyms and related words. To increase, or to increase something.

Created by: A Person123
  1. bored
  2. i wanna get to junior
  3. im depressed
  4. why ten f---ing questions
  5. i was hacked by someone ok
  6. fghjk
  7. nobody cares
  8. wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem
  9. u
  10. call me my number is:

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