My Last Quiz :(

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Hi. My name is Fun Quiz Girl. I like to make quizzes, and I can't wait to make more. At the end of every quiz, I tell you what the next two quizzes will be. Good luck!

Bye guys, I'll always remember you all, and I will come back! I will continue to take quizzes, just not make them. See ya. Stay safe out there, and remember our good times!

Created by: Fun Quiz Girl
  1. Ok guys, we all know I've been dancing around this topic. It's time for me to leave gotoquiz.
  2. But remember, it's not forever, I'm just taking a break.
  3. Over the summer in July, I'm going to be posting a "Fun Quiz Girl: July Update!"
  4. And in September, "Fun Quiz Girl: An Update!"
  5. But guys, I want you guys to know something. Last week, I had to take a short break, and I couldn't stop thinking about you all.
  6. I will miss you all!
  7. I just want to let you know, I will still be taking quizzes, just not making them.
  8. If Sonic Tails Lf is taking this, just want to say, I'm a big fan!
  9. See you all soon, and stay safe out there.
  10. My next two quizzes are going to be: "Fun Quiz Girl: July Update!" and "Fun Quiz Girl: An Update!"

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