My Hogwarts House??**

This quiz is for hardcore Harry Potter fans only! NO WIMPS! If you’re still unsure of where you truly belong?? Or if you want to make sure that you made the right choice for you...

This quiz will give you the answer you’ve been waiting for. Good luck and enjoy your new house everyone’s accepted here. No matter who or what you are. We welcome you all with open arms x.

Created by: Lj646
  1. If you’re not so best friend knew you liked someone and decided to ask them out first just to be mean what would you do??
  2. You’re asked to go to prom by the biggest nerd in class what do you say??
  3. You get set up on a blind date with someone who you once dumped for cheating on you. They say they were young and made a really big mistake and want you back what do you do??
  4. Second favourite movie or show out of these??
  5. Favourite colour combination (not associated with Harry Potter houses).
  6. Favourite underrated character??
  7. Which class would you be in if you attended Hogwarts??
  8. You find yourself lost in the forbidden forest do you??
  9. If you went to diagon alley which shop would interest you the most??
  10. Your dream job after leaving Hogwarts would be??
  11. You’ve finally learnt how to produce your patronus but what is it??
  12. Final question. You are in the last year of Hogwarts and times running out to do all the things on your ‘check-list’ which of these would be most important to you??

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