My Hero Academia QUIZ (that is rlly bad)

dsisfhdshfkdsjfhjkdshfkjd hello sdjhdksjfhkjdshfkjdshfkjdshfkjdshkjfhdskjfhdskjfheiuwwry uehfiufbkjseuncwieuntcyurgnuhjnjmcdjkcdjdcjdjddjdjdjdcdcdfjudiesuiwoawpwisdujk

I was bored so here Is a boring MHA quiz. hgsgfhfdkhhhgkdjfn jdsfhjkdshfjkdshfkj djsfhsdjkfhkjds fuewryuiew ruie wriueywruiyew iureuiwry iuewyr iuewyr riuew yruiewyrui ew to lazy to type ;)

Created by: HoomanBeing
  1. Are you more Nerdy, Or Angry
  2. What clothes do you wear?
  3. Are you tall or short
  4. Do you care about other people
  5. do you like school
  6. do you show your true emotions?
  7. what is your favorite color
  8. are you bored with this quiz
  9. are you a human
  10. anime or no anime

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