My Favourite Things

This quiz is about some of my personal favourite things. A lot of these things people don't know so it's more of a learning experience for my friends.

Let's see how well you do! Either answer to the best of your knowleadge or do some great guessing and see what kind of score you can achieve! Good luck!

Created by: Togurr
  1. What is my favourite colour?
  2. What is my favourite shape?
  3. What is my favourite movie?
  4. What is my favourite food?
  5. What is my favourite dessert?
  6. What is my favourite drink?
  7. What is my favourite word to say?
  8. What is my favourite past time?
  9. What is my favourite rpg role?
  10. What is my favourite video game series?
  11. What is my favourite instant messaging program?
  12. What is my favourite animal?
  13. What is my favourite music genre?
  14. What is my favourite sport?
  15. What is my favourite time of day?
  16. What is my favourite video game?
  17. What is my favourite movie series?
  18. What is my favourite flower?
  19. What is my favourite scent?
  20. What is my favourite season?
  21. What is my favourite holiday?

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