How well do you know MJ's favourite things?

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If you love Michael Jackson you must know everything about him. All his songs, all his album and his biography. But if you are a real fan of MJ you must know and his favourite things.!

So, how well do you know his favourite things? With this great quiz you will learn the truth in just a few minutes. Good luck! I hope you will score 100%

Created by: Anna Jackson

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which color is Michael Jackson's favorite?
  2. Which musical instrument is Michael Jackson's favorite?
  3. Which flower is Michael Jackson's favorite?
  4. Which number is Michael Jackson's favorite?
  5. Which food is Michael Jackson's favorite?
  6. Which song of his is Michael Jackson's favorite?
  7. Which music video of his is Michael Jackson's favorite?
  8. What movies are Michael Jackson's favorite?
  9. Which ride at Disneyland is Michael Jackson's favorite?
  10. Which is Michael Jackson's favorite animated character?
  11. Which animal is Michael Jackson's favorite?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know MJ's favourite things?