Music Taste quiz

music taste quiz ..real quiz go take a test and find out your musical taste result....!!this quiz not stupid quiz if want to know about your musical taste just try!

are your musical taste good/bad/sucks/awesome who knows before you take this quiz u never difficult question ...maybe this quiz can help you to find out your musical taste?

Created by: joey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. what music genre do you like?
  4. do you play any instrument?
  5. if you become musician what kind of instrument do you want to play?
  6. i think top 40 are sucks?
  7. what do think about girlband/boyband?
  8. do you ever heard of genre such as math-rock,ambient,new wave,psychedelic,shoegaze,etc
  9. mainstream pop are sucks?
  10. do u know k-pop/j-pop/j-rock/j-indie rock!
  11. did you know that a lot artist using same chord progression?
  12. when listening music what catch your feelin most?
  13. do you like jazz?

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