Music Taste Quiz

I am often regarded as a music aficionado. I don't like to toot my own horn, but I am rather knowledgeable in the field of music. I've been studying it for quite a while, and I'm putting some of my knowledge into this here quiz.

What I want to test is what most people are into, whether you're into the classics or whether you're into more modern music, or if you just don't really care. This ins't a "your opinions suck, mine are superior" kind of quiz. This is just to see where you stand. Please enjoy!

Created by: Joshua Smith
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were to listen to one artist all day long, non-stop, who would it be?
  2. The genres Rap, Metal, Dubstep, and Country are some of the most polarizing genres among music listeners. Which of these would you prefer?
  3. In a fictional concert, which three groups/artists would you prefer to see?
  4. Choose the genre you prefer.
  5. Which era of music do you prefer?
  6. How do you feel about Rock?
  7. Which of these artists do you feel embodies the genre of Pop the best?
  8. Rock vs. Rap? (both in general)
  9. What is your main method of listening to music?
  10. Which of these rock albums do you believe is the most revolutionary based on instrumentation, production value, lasting value, and impact?
  11. Do you believe the music industry today has gone downhill?

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