Music Survey Quiz

I am conducting a survey in the form of a quiz for my Psychology class. I want to see the effects of music on teens. I thought the best way would be to get a range of people to answer these questions to help with my research.

It is just a few questions and will help me immensely! I appreciate everyone helping! If you are part of the class- look out for my Discussion on music and you can see how you helped!! Again, I appreciate everything!

Created by: Laura Thornton

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How often do you listen to music?
  2. What type of music do you typically listen to?
  3. Do you believe that listening to Mozart at a young age can make an unborn baby more intelligent once born?
  4. Do you listen to music while studying? If so, is it effective?
  5. Does the music that you listen to affect your mood? Example: rap music could make you angry.
  6. Do you think music that you listen can influence the type of people that you hang around?
  7. Do the type people around you influence the type of music you listen to?
  8. Do you think that music stereotypes exist? Example: Teens to listen to Emo are more likely to slit their writs or Black teens are more likely to listen to Rap music?
  9. In your opinion, would a teenager be more likely to kill someone after listening to a song by Eminem or the Spice Girls?
  10. In your opinion, are you going to feel happier after listening to a song about love or a song about death?

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