Muggles or magic?

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This an awesome quiz that will tell you if you should be expecting a letter from Hogwarts or not. It's unknown till now. Time to go on on a trip to find out muggle or not?

(WARNING) I am telling the truth you wont expect the same answer every time! I ask you to be truthful and you know i am right! You can cheat. But just know that's no the truth.

Created by: Aria
  1. Would you be mad at Harry if your friend died in battle?
  2. What would Voldamort want from you if he got you?
  3. Who would you take to the ball? (if your a girl/boy pick your opposite gender)
  4. What pet would you bring to Hogwarts?
  5. Who's your favorite character?
  6. Whats you favorite book from the series of Harry Potter
  7. Whats your favorite spell
  8. Would you join Voldamort if he will give you fate?
  9. What would you call your Enemy?
  10. who do you mostly look like?

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