Much Ado About Nothing

This quiz is about shake speare play much ado about nothing. Is a quiz on act 1 and it is very easy ... Everyone should get and 100% on this quiz !!!

When you take this quiz you may use the play to help you out. You may not use the internet at all. Its a very easy test. It let you teachers know if you were paying attention?

Created by: La'Nia Holder
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. At the start of the play, who wants to marry Hero?
  2. Boracio and Don John decide to disrupt Hero and Claudio's marriage by.
  3. But Antonio misunderstands and tells Leonato that which man is in love with Hero?
  4. Leonato is
  5. Hero and Claudio do eventually get married.
  6. What becomes of Hero when Don John sets her up?
  7. Which character is the biggest flirt?
  8. Which character provides the most comic releif in the play?
  9. Which is most true of Beatrice?
  10. Who does Claudio agree to marry after he and Hero split up?
  11. Who plots to bring Benedick and Beatrice together?

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