Ms. Cooney's History Test... Quiz

SOOOOOO um we really have to study for Ms. Cooney's History test (it's like tomorrow.) and so we made this quiz. Whatever. lalalaalalalalaa I like bunnies JK they are GAY...... meh. ~CHARLIE

so.... you think you can pass Ms. Cooney's class.. well you were WRONG... that's right, you won't pass because you are a bad history student haha!! ~Maddie

Created by: Charlie
  1. What ended the 2nd Punic War?
  2. Who was the seventh emperor of the Pax Romana?
  3. When was the Battle of Actium?
  4. Name the emperors of the Pax Romana in order.
  5. TRUE OR FALSE: Hadrian conquered Britain.
  6. What did everyone do when Nero died?
  7. During whose reign did Mt. Vesuvius erupt?
  8. What did Hadrian build?
  9. What is the name of the Trojan who founded the settlement that became Rome?

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