Movie Fanatics Wanted

Not many people can call themselves a movie master. I am not even able to say that yet. But take my quiz, and see if you have what it takes to be a movie master.

This quiz will cover a wide range of topics. Some will be at your advantage, yet some may not. The only thing you can do, is do your best, and try as hard as you can.

Created by: Alan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which movies series is based out at sea, starring Johnny Depp.
  2. Two of the following have been movies, made into TV series. Pick one.
  3. Which of the following shows, has had a movie that came out in theaters.
  4. Which of the following tv movies series went to the big screen?
  5. Which movie uddered this famous quote, "I'll have what she's having"?
  6. What was the name of the spy from the famous Bond movies?
  7. Which of the following was a book series that became a movie?
  8. Which of the following was a book series that became a movie?
  9. Which of the following was a book series that became a movie?
  10. Was this quiz good?

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