Mother June is best mother she is better then all y'alls moms, I am glad to have met her on here, best person is Mother June :p She is best, you best agree >:(

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Created by: ItsBrycen
  1. June, I don't really think I have the exact words to say how amazing you truly are but, all I can say is, Your the best Mother I could ever ask for.
  2. June your are best Mother
  3. June you are getting the Mother of the day award.*Gives award*
  4. June you are getting the Mother of the week award.*Gives award*
  5. June you are getting the Mother of the month award.*Gives award*
  6. June you are getting the Mother of the year award.*Gives award*
  7. June you are getting the Mother of the decade award.*Gives award*
  8. June you are getting the Mother of the century award.*Gives award*
  9. Mother June you are loved and cared about, we may not be there in person but we're still HERE
  10. Alrighty then we all agree Mother June is best mother :p

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