Moshi Monster Quiz

Ther are some experts at the subject of moshi monsters, and there are people who take the quiz who have never heard the name moshi monsters. Hopefully you're an expert.

ARE you the next Einstein at the subject of moshi monsters? Why not find out today! After this quiz you could be owning the moshi monsters website. So find out today!

Created by: reece
  1. How many monsters can you choose from?
  2. On what level do you get a wooden trophy?
  3. Which of these is not on moshi monsters?
  4. Which one of these moshlings is ultra rare?
  5. How many moshlings are there?
  6. Which one of these monsters is very hairy?
  7. Which one of these itn't a shop on moshi monsters?
  8. What is there news named?
  9. What is there song called?
  10. What is the rest of this stores name babs...

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