
Are you a fan of the BBC series Sherlock? Have you ever wondered what the characters may think of you? If not, why are you here? If yes, then this should be a touch of fun for you, even if it is terrible. First quiz.

So, here we go. Delve into the world of Sherlock and see what the characters have to say about you. (Warning: I may have missed people from the answers but you can't go back and edit them so I'm sorry)

Created by: Bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hello.
  2. Welcome to the quiz. Sorry for any typos etc. Also for this...
  3. Scenario time: You're with Sherlock when a case comes through, what are you hoping for?
  4. You arrive at the scene. It's a gruesome homocide. What are you doing?
  5. The murder has been solved, resulting in a stand off with none other than Moriarty. You say:
  6. You just choose to save either John or Sherlock from snipers. Who lives?
  7. You were shot! Quickly! What do you do?
  8. Thankfully, you survived the shooting and wake up in hospital. What do you plan to do first?
  9. Scenarios over. What's your favourite personal quality?
  10. Finally, goodbye. Thank you for quizzing with me. X

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