Mohammed and Islam

How much do you know about Mohammed and Islam? There are many Muslims in this world,but not many know too much about their own prophet. Take this quiz to find out how much you really know...

I created this quiz because I learned about Mohammed and Islam in school,and I thought it would be fun to make a quiz... I hope you have as much fun taking it as I did making it:)

Created by: Camelia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In what year was Mohammed born?
  2. In what year did Mohammed die?
  3. Which angel did Mohammed claim to have had a vision of?
  4. What was Mohammed's education?
  5. What was Mohammed's wife's name?
  6. Who was Mohammed's first convert to Islam?
  7. In which city was Mohammed born?
  8. In what year did Mohammed flee to Medina?
  9. Why did Mohammed flee to Medina?
  10. How did Mohammed meet his wife?

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