modern warfare cod 3

see what gun suits you. assault rifle , or SMG, or pistol , or sniper rifle. find it out and be taken aback, just kiddin, you will only understand if you play modern warfare cod 3.

this quiz i did really quick even though i took three hours just to get here this is a good quiz this is a bad quiz goodbye byebye and bye tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc

Created by: dez

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. do you like long, medium or short guns
  2. fast, medium,semi
  3. fav ,assault smg sniper or pistol
  4. do you get lots of kills with long range medium or short
  5. mw3 mw2 mw1 cod bo mw4
  6. ghillie
  7. lightweight
  8. heavy armor
  9. C.I.A. uniform
  10. like

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