MLP Quiz: How big of a fan are you? | Comments

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  • Actually, one of the question has wrong answer as the right one. The mane six did NOT get their cutie marks at the same time, it was between minutes, hours, even days.

    Rainbow Dash got it first right after doing the Sonic Rainboomw, either Applejack or Pinkie Pie got it last because it took a day or more after the SR for them to get their cutie mark. Applejack needed time to travel back home before getting the cutie mark, Pinkie Pie made the party overnight ON screen and got her cutie mark after surprising her family.

    So it wasn't at the same time. Either you should fix that or the people getting that answer 'wrong' actually knows the show better than people who get 100%.

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  • I am actaully an MLP expert and a fan.. you can't beat me! *rainbowdash duck face* imma pegisus sister bro

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