Missing or Hidden part 1

Welcome to my first quiz series, Missing or Hidden. I hope you enjoy reading my story, and if you have any comments, say them. I love feedback of any kind, positive or negative.

This story is about a girl who is trying to get home, but ends up in a crazy adventure. It is a bit of a horror story and is full of action hopefully. Possibly even a hint of romance. Anyway enjoy reading!

Created by: DarkShadows
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Lacie walked down the damp street. Her shoes splashed in the small puddles that formed in the holes in the road. She was walking rather fast through the alley, and she kept her head down. When she got to the end of the alley she stopped and looked up. Her eyes looked at the dark grey wall in front of her. This was supposed to be a short cut, but someone must have given her the wrong information. Pushing this thought to the side she looked more closely at the wall. The stains on the wall looking oddly peculiar. Lacie's observing was interupted when she heard a small scuffling noise behind her. Without even hesitating she spun around and looked forward, but nothing was there. Her heart was beating fast, but soon began to slow back to a normal rate when she saw nothing. With a small sigh she began to walk back down the alley. As she walked, she pulled the jacket tighter around her. The chilly air finding its way into her jacket. Just as she was about to reach the opening of the alley she heard another noise, one that made her stop dead in her tracks.
  2. There was a blood curdling scream that filled the air. The shriek made Lacie flinch and look around. Curiousity began to fill her, so she decided to go check things out. She silently made her way to the corner of one of the alley buildings and peeked around the corner. Nothing was there though. It was just an empty street. She looked down at the other end of the street, but there was still nothing. "Huh?" she said softly to herself, as confusion swept over her. Lacie then spun around, took a step, and ran into something. Another ear bleeding scream filled the air. This time it was very close and made her cover her ears. It was so loud she took a small step back and closed her eyes. She even let out a small scream in pain. When the shriek subsided, she looked back up at the source. There stood a dark figure that was jerking slightly. The things whole body shook violently, as if it were having a seziure. It's solid black eyes remained emotionless and blank. The lips were peeled back and showed razor sharp teeth. The sight made Lacie cover her mouth and let out a muffled scream. Her eyes widened and she quickly began to panic. Without even thinking she turned around and began to run. Her legs kicking as hard as they could, while her heartbeat picked up it's pace.
  3. She kept running and didn't look back. Why would she? There was no way that she wanted to see that...creature again. Lacie finally had to stop running, so she slowed down to a stop. Her breathing was heavy and labored. She had her head tilted downward and tried to catch her breath. When she finally got her breathing back to normal, she stood up straight again. Lacie looked forward and jumped backwards. A scream almost escaped her mouth, but the person in front of her placed their hand on her mouth. Scared that it might be that being again, she kept her eyes shut tight. When the hand remained on her mouth, she finally opened them again. The person or that other thing must have moved to behind her. "Don't scream or they will hear you," a boy's voice whispered into her ear. Lacie struggled to get free and began to let out a muffled scream. This just made the boy tighten his grip and say, in a hushed voice, "I said don't scream. Unless you prefer those creatures over me, and I'm just trying to help." Lacie didn't reply she just stood there. "Now I'm going to let you go, but please don't run," he said while releasing Lacie. She took this opportunity and started running.
  4. To Lacie's surprise she didn't get very far before the boy caught up to her. In fact he stood in front of her. Causing her to come to a quick stop. He stood there with his arms crossed and his legs spread apart. "I said don't run. You obviously have a problem with listening," he said teasing her, while there was a small smirk on his face. She could barely tell his expression though, since it was now pitch black out. The wind also now whipped through the air and caused her hair to blow away from her face. She watched as the wind blew the boy's bangs in front of his eyes completely. He then looked around and asked, "Do you have somewhere safe to stay at that is close to here?" Lacie watched his expectant eyes and just shook her head. She heard him sigh slightly. Then she watched as he turned toward a car. He walked over to it, got out keys, and pulled on the handle, which revealed that the car was unlocked. With a smile on his face, he said, "Get in."
  5. "You must be joking!? Do you really think I'll just get in that car with you? I don't even know you," Lacie exclaimed to the mysterious boy. He was now biting his lip and his smile had completely disappeared. "Well, unless you want to be murdered by those creatures, I'd suggest you come with me," his voice was serious and plain. His arms were crossed over his chest once again. Lacie sighed and walked over to the car next to him, but hesitated to get in. She heard him groan quietly to himself, which made her look at him. Quickly she tried to explain herself, "I said I don't know you, so I don't really trust you." The boy moved closer to her and looked at her closely. Then he said, "Hi, my name is Blake, and your name is?" She heard the sarcasm filling his voice, but still replied, "Lacie." "Pretty. Now get in the car," he said in a demanding tone. Lacie rolled her eyes and got in the car, and jumped when he slammed her door shut.
  6. Blake opened up the driver's door and hopped into the seat next to her. The small light in the middle of the roof came on and lit up the car. This is when she got a good look at him. Blake looked to be in his mid twenties, which would make him a few years older than her, since she was eighteen. He was wearing a black tee shirt with a blue jacket over top and his jeans were black. His hair was dark brown and medium length, it just came over his ears, while his bangs were pushed to the side, and were long enough to cover a most of his eye. Over his hair was a dark, blue, knit cap that hung a little bit off the back of his head. The last thing she noticed about him was his angelic features. He was almost too perfect. When he noticed Lacie staring at him, he looked over. His bright, green eyes looking at her curiously. She quickly directed her gaze out of the window. Another scream echoed through the air, as Blake started the car and drove off.
  7. Her eyes scanned the outside through the window, and she watched as everything flew by in a blur. It wasn't long until she ended up getting tired and closed her eyes. Sleep swept over her and she ended up staying asleep for quite awhile. Lost in her own dreams. She eventually woke up to the sound of the car engine being turned off. Even though she was now awake, she kept her eyes shut, not wanting to face the outside world. The world that was now filled with things that didn't make sense. The world that made this mystery boy, Blake, pop out of no where. Lacie heard a car door open and then shut again. Then there was an eerie silence that filled the air. After a bit of sitting there wondering what was happening, she heard a noise. It was just outside her car door and it was trying to get in. She could hear whatever or whoever it was picking at the door.
  8. Lacie finally decided to open up her eyes and jumped. Once again there was a creature outside her door. This time she kept quiet and watched it closely. It appeared to be blind, as it was having trouble finding the handle, and it didn't notice her inside the car. Her heart pounded quickly in her chest and she bit her lip. When she looked over at the driver's seat, it was empty. Had one of those creatures gotten him? Unsure of what of to do she sat and watched the creature. Knowing that it would eventually find a way in, her eyes scanned the car for a weapon, but there was none. It wasn't necessary though, because the next thing she knew a loud thump echoed through the air and creature went down.
  9. There in front of Lacie stood Blake, his hand curled into a fist by his side. He had his eyes glued to the creature on the ground struggling to get back up. The creature eventually found it's strength once again and got up slowly. Then it turned to Blake, while echoing out a loud screech. It then swung one of it's hands at him, in an attempt to grab him, but Blake moved just in time. The creature did end up slicing the side of his face, causing three, bloody lines to appear. This made his face darken and he clenched his jaw. He then swung at the creature and hit it in the chest, which made it slam into the car. Finally Blake pulled out a sharp, wavy, black dagger and stabbed the creature in the chest. It let out a final scream, slid down the car, and laid limp in the road. Blake bent down slowly and removed the dagger. He quickly put it back in his jacket, pushed the creature to the side, and opened up the car door. While standing in front of the car, he leaned on the door. He looked exhausted, and he was breathing heavily.
  10. "Who the hell are you?" Lacie asked in a high pitched voice. Blake just shook his head and looked down. "I'm not sure you want to know," he mumbled to her. Lacie sighed and said, "Well I think you should tell me anyway, because I'm not going with you anywhere else until you do." Her face was serious, but still a little startled. Blake looked up at her and studied her for a second. He then spoke up and said, "Fine, but let's go somewhere safer." Then he spun around and started walking. Lacie quickly got out of the car, and couldn't help but stop and look at the creature. It's lifeless body laid there blood soaking it's gray body. Feeling a little sick she looked away and began to walk faster. When she caught up to Blake, she slowed down to his pace. She followed him into a hotel looking building. 
  11. The lobby was completely fancy and a chandelier hung down from the middle. A red carpet covered the floor and was the only bright color in the whole place. Lacie looked over at Blake curiously. "Where are we?" she asked astonished. She watched as a half smile appeared on his face. "You are just filled with questions aren't you?" he asked her teasingly. Blake then began to walk up the giant staircase leading to the elevators. "Well it doesn't help that you don't answer any of them!" she exclaimed, while following him up the stairs. They then entered the elevator, rode it to the twentieth floor, and walked into the long hallway. He then lead her to the room labeled 2077, and shut and locked the door behind them. Lacie's eyes were busy scanning the whole room. When she was done looking around she turned to Blake and said, "Okay, now tell me."
  12. Blake sat down on the couch and began, "Alright, but you are not going to believe me. So, try to keep an open mind as you ask me anything." Lacie stood in silence for a bit before asking, "What are those creatures?" "Well those are very dangerous creatures who usually lurk in the shadows unless they have a reason to come after you. Then they will kill you and anyone who gets in their way. They're extremely strong, and difficult to kill, but they are blind, so that makes it easier. The way they kill is by stunning you with a scream, and then ripping you apart with their claws and teeth. They are called shadow walkers, for obvious reasons, because they only come out in the dark and creepy places. You know where you were," he finished, and looked carefully at Lacie. She just rolled her eyes at his little comment. Then, without even hesitating, she asked, "What does it want with me? Why would it want to kill me?" 
  13. With a sigh he continued, "You have the key to kill them all off, well they don't die, but you can send them back to where they belong, and that is not here. So, you have the ability to get rid of them and every other paranormal being out there. Problem with that is that they all know you have the power to get rid of them, and they are all hunting you down. Making you one of the biggest targets right now." He paused for a moment before finishing, "Also there are other beings out there, lots of them and there shouldn't be any. Not that they are all bad though. It's just that paranormal beings don't belong on earth, but they like it here. Thats why they're after you. How they got here is a complete mystery, but I have a feeling I know who is behind it." "What is the Key?" she asked curiously. "Well I don't really know that part. I just know that the most powerful being of the dark side has to die to kill all of the rest," he said a little embarrassed. Lacie made a a quiet noise and then asked, "Who are you?"
  14. Blake stood up and looked at her. His eyes studying her cautiously. He looked at her, as he said, "I am Blake, one of the few remaining warrior angels left. All of the rest have died off in battle. We are a dying race, and there is not much we can do about that. Warrior angels aren't born. We just exist to fight and serve for whichever side we belong to. There are three other warrior angels out there left, besides me. The bad part is the fact that I'm the only good one left, and I will die trying to protect what is right." Lacie stood there trying to take in all of this new information. How could she believe anything he was saying? Had he lost his mind? Those things were real though, and his abilities were real. He was fast and strong, she saw both things. That dagger he had, made it die in one stab. Lacie finally asked, "My last question is what is that dagger?" Blake looked down at his jacket, and reached into it, pulling the dagger out. The black, curvy, blade with the red handle shined in the rooms light. In the blade there was words carved into it. He handed it to her and she read the words LAST HOPE.
  15. Well that's the end of part on of Missing or Hidden. I hope that you enjoyed it at least somewhat. If you would like to leave any comments or rate that would be great. The other parts will hopefully be better, or if you liked it a lot, I hope it's just as good.  

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