
Do you or do you not know me ,take this quiz and find out The truth about me lol Maybe you a friend or stalker ?? Amyway this quiz is just for fun ...

Are you a best friend or clueless . Take this quiz it only takes a second :-) My name is Lucie7108 and pm me if you want to chat ..I am random by the way .

Created by: Lucie
  1. What is Lucie's dog called ?
  2. How many puppies did Lucies dog have ?
  3. What is Lucie's age roughly ?
  4. Who is top of Lucie,s friend list ?
  5. What is my favourite breed of horse ?
  6. What is the name of my ec ?
  7. Where does Lucien live ?
  8. Where was I born ?
  9. What breed is Lucie's dog ?
  10. What is my favourite colour ?

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