MINECRAFT what mob are you

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You ready for the best quiz of mine-craft ever! you will be very pleased with this quiz as it will test your knowledge of minecraft pc and xbox it is all about what mob you will be.

Are you a genius on minecraft here is a quiz o test that its about what you know on minecraft pc and xbox I hope you enjoy my minecraft what mob are you quiz

Created by: Aliesha of minecraft.net
(your link here more info)
  1. Who says budder on minecraft pc and my clue is he is a youtuber
  2. would you rather? A. Kill iron golem B. visit skydoesminecraft C. Meet Dantdm
  3. Who is your fav mob?
  4. who is foxy??
  5. what is 2 + 2
  6. What is a troll
  8. who are u
  9. what is five nights at freddy`s
  10. Who is me

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Quiz topic: MINECRAFT what mob am I