Minecraft quiz (1.9 bc in 1.10 my PC stopped minecraft)

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Lots of people think they are pros but are they. This will make you better and you have grades at the end from F to A+, So start reading the next paragraph and then get started

You need To work hard and if you can't do listen to this song called Shia LaBeouf - Just Do It (Make Your Dreams Come True) [Ultimate Remix] I know you want to, No? you don't want to? JUST DO IT DON'T LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS

Created by: 07thecreeper

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is a rabbit's foot used for?
  2. Is endstone and the dragon egg the only thing you can get in The End?
  3. What can deflect arrows?
  4. Can pistons push bedrock and obsidian?
  5. Can you travel to the moon?
  6. Does Cheese exist?
  7. How many achievements In all platforms total?
  8. Can you fly in survival?
  9. Which of these youtubers not play Minecraft (even 1 video counts)
  10. The next questions have no right answer like this one
  11. Cheese
  12. Cheese?

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