Minecraft pro or no

Their are many many people who play Minecraft all around the world some good some bad some are mvcs what's an mvc u ask only a most valuable crafter that's all.

So are you an mvc a Minecraft pro one of us if you think you are then this is the correct quiz for you maybe you aren't I mean if your no good enough it's no big deal it's just mean the mvcs will always be better than you that's all not every one can handle being a pro.their is plenty of other games(for losers) like Tetris oh what's that think your good let's test shall we.

Created by: themeatcraft
  1. Who made Minecraft
  2. How long have you played Minecraft
  3. How do you make an eye of ender
  4. What do you need for a nether portal
  5. How many diamonds are needed to make a full set of armor
  6. How do you make a regular golden apple
  7. What year did Minecraft Come out
  8. Who as of 2016 owns Minecraft
  9. Out of these witch item is better
  10. What is the final boss's name

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