Minecraft MLG Illuminati Test

There are losers, but then there are minecrafters. If you think you are good at Minecraft then take this test you grossy. If you enjoy this test in anyway you should probably try going outside or making real frinds.

If you do well on this test you might as well give up on life, unless you already did, because lets be honest, you are taking a minecraft test. I hope you never find diamonds.

Created by: minecraft
  1. What level is the best to mine at
  2. What is the best tool
  3. Which is best?
  4. What color is cobblestone
  5. How many utters does a cow have in minecraft
  6. What is the best way to beat the Enderdragon
  7. Which is most important
  8. What is NOT a type of villager
  9. How do you tame a wolf
  10. What is the most amount of friends you can play Minecraft with

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