midsummer night's dream quiz

There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a genius? You can be a genius of you tak this great quis on Shakespeare!

Are You a genius?? Do you think you're smart enough to ace this quiz???? If you think you are take tjis awesome quiz about Shakespeare!!! HAVE FUN!!!!

Created by: Georgia
  1. 1.Who wrote A Midsummer Night’s Dream?
  2. 2.What are the names of the king and queen fairies?
  3. 3.What happens when Helena wakes Lysander?
  4. 4.What does Demetrius tell Helena?
  5. 5.Why are Lysander and Hermia sleeping apart?
  6. 6.What city does the book take place?
  7. 7.Is “Mustardseed” a real character in the book?
  8. 8.Who has a “donkey butt” as a head?
  9. 9.Who does Hermia’s father want her to marry?
  10. 10.Who ends up with Hermia in the end?

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