Middle School: The Dance (How will it affect your future?)

You're twelve years old, and in seventh grade. It's the big Summer Sendoff dance, and Jackson, your crush, has asked you out! It's an incredible miracle and you're super excited. Let's see what will happen tonight, and how your decisions will decide your inevitable future!

Here is a description of Jackson. He's about 5"1, and almost a year older than you, being 13 right now. He has a twins sister and two younger brothers. His appearance: Combed and showered dirty blonde hair that always looks hot, icy blue eyes, and a smile that's hotter and brighter than the sun. He's athletic, kind, intelligent, and is perfect boyfriend material. How will you treat this cutie?

Created by: Ash <3
  1. You arrive at the front of the school and look around for Jackson. All of a sudden, hands cover your eyes and you hear his smooth voice say "Guess who?" You laugh, "Jackson." "Correct," he replies, and you can see once again. What do you do next?
  2. You arrive inside the gym. It's dressed to look like a Medieval dance floor. Some quiet jazz is playing. You both look at each other. "Snacks?" He says, pointing to a table with lots of delicious things. "Of course, babe," you reply. Now what?
  3. You scan the room, looking for an empty table for two. You see Table #1, set up right next to the snack table, with two throne-like chairs. You then see Table #2, a Japanese style with cushions and a small wooden plank as a table, then Table #3, with basketballs as chairs, the hoops as the back to lean on, and an upside down basket as the table. Where do you sit?
  4. You take a seat at your table and start chatting with Jackson. You learn that he loves literary essays, which isn't that much of a useful peace of info, but everything helps. You decide to open one of your snacks. Do you choose your DRINK or your SNACK?
  5. You both eventually finish your chat & snack, and throw away your items in the trashcan. Your hands are a little greasy, what do you do next?
  6. Time to dance! There's some playful and fast jazz, and you both start doing some symmetrical and fun square dance movements. All of a sudden, you see your best friend enter with her date. You can't see her date, but you tell Jackson and walk over. You see her date and realize...it's your old crush! No, no, no....what do you do?
  7. After that whole fiasco, you and Jackson are outside. Sitting on a bench, and watching traffic go by. "I love you," he says suddenly. You feel a lump in your throat, what do you reply?
  8. His face turns red at your response. "Can I kiss you?" He asks. His face is now even redder. "Was that too sudden, or uh, um..."
  9. You both smile at each other. You see people pouring out of the gym; the dance must be over, and you guys missed the slow dance. Oh well. What next?
  10. This won't affect your final score. But, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being I loved it so much, how much did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Middle School: The Dance (How will it affect my future?)

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