Michael's quiz...

Hello and if you are about to take my quiz I thank you I was inspired to do this quiz by @nikita_janz ' quiz I took hers and I wanted to make my own thx

Do you really know me? Here will be 12 questions about me pls answer to the best if your abilities/knowledge and thank you for taking the quiz.

Created by: Michael
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my favourite pc game
  2. Why do I like that game
  3. What is my favourite subject in school
  4. What is my favourite tv show
  5. What is my favourite type of movie
  6. What is my rank in sea cadets
  7. I like cheese pizza
  8. What is 2+2
  9. Hi
  10. What kind of perogies do I like

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