Michael Myers Attack

This quiz determines whether you would be able to survive October 31st 1978. Slaughter took place, and families were broke. I wonder if you can survive ?

I myself am a genius and have been know to beat Michael Myers one every occasion he has tried to kill me. I know how to fight, escape, and make him sad.

Created by: Grizzlyman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Michael is standing in front of you. How do you react.
  2. What do you do on halloween
  3. Michael is outside your window during the day, watching you. what do you do?
  4. What do dress up as, on Halloween.
  5. Michael has you buy the throat. What do you do ?
  6. The best place to hide from Mikey
  7. Do you live in or near Illinois
  8. Can you kill him ?
  9. Do you smoke pot ?
  10. Are you fast

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