Meteorology 101

I love Meteorology. It is a fun course that I am perusing as my major in college. I think if everyone knew about meteorology we could save lives and people would actually take weather seriously.

Take this quiz and see how well you do. If you don't do well then you will get a response telling you to try harder. If you do well there will be a surprise message waiting for you at the end. Some of these questions I would consider moderately difficult.

Created by: Sean Matrai

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  1. What causes the sky to be the color blue?
  2. What type of clouds are generally associated with Thunderstorms?
  3. In which way do Low pressure systems rotate.
  4. High pressure systems create clouds and are generally associated with storms systems.
  5. Where does warm air advection occur?
  6. How does lightning form?
  7. Where does the jet stream generally lie(pressure level MB)
  8. On a radar which color represents the heaviest precipitation?
  9. In what type of environmental do comeulus type clouds generally form in?
  10. According to the od tale "Rainbow in the morning, Sailors warning" and "Rainbow at night sailors delight" would be true for what latitudes.

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