Messy desk or just a superstition? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Messy desk or just a superstition?

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  • Your computer desk is 61% messy.

    Your desk is beyond a bit messy, more like just messy. Really messy people would say its bad and tidy people would say it's terrible. Your house, car and room are probably the same.

    Funny thing is... That's somewhat right.. xD Though it goes through cycles. Sometimes I don't mind the mess at all, but sometimes I go through complete cleaning freaks and I super clean it.. XD

  • Your computer desk is 70% messy.

    Your desk is very messy. Tidy people would be horrified but I'm like 'Yay!!' for you. Your house, car, room and everything else are most likely the same as your computer desk is.


  • wow guys ur not as messy desk as me!! (i made the quiz). XD. My rubbish from today is piling up, or starting to. Lolz.

    wuu2 babe

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