Meme quiz and stuff

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This is a joke guys. Everyone matters. Okie lol ty I was just joking 🙃 I was just like you know how you are doing this is what you are going to do is it a little bit better

I don’t know how to do it but it is still good for you to do it with your own stuff and I will have it in my room for you and you can get it for me tomorrow at

Created by: No
  1. Maybe plants are really farming us, giving us oxygen until we eventually expire and turn into mulch which they can consume
  2. Tall people are expected to use their reach to help shorter people, but if a tall person were to ask a short person to hand them something they dropped on the floor it'd be insulting.
  3. Aliens invaded the Moon on July 20th, 1969.
  4. When you say 'Forward' or 'Back', your lips move in those directions.
  5. Tobacco companies kill their best customers and condom companies kill their future customers.
  6. "DO NOT TOUCH" would probably be a really unsettling thing to read in braille.
  7. Last night my friend asked to use a USB port to charge his cigarette, but I was using it to charge my book. The future is stupid.
  8. Nothing is on fire, fire is on things.
  9. If aliens come to earth, we have to explain why we made dozens of movies in which we fight and kill them.
  10. Cemeteries would be way more interesting if they put the cause of death on the headstone.

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