Meeting Expectations

This quiz is for those that are stressed out by their behavior and feel pressured by their decisions.24580;70;”&;0$;0.)9:69:69.97,077,0,07;07;9;70;07;07;0;7;79;9;

Always try, no matter what the result is (or you could retake it...)!Dodoudoudoydoydyidoudoudoudodoudoudoudoudodoudohdohdoudoudodoydoudoudoudoudododuodoud

Created by: Butthole McGee
  1. How often do you pay attention to your tidiness in school, work, and at home?
  2. During quarantine, would you wander outside carelessly in large groups, disregarding the safety of others?
  3. In school or work, is your performance decent or excelling the norm of most?
  4. Are you socially active?
  5. Have you done things your family would be ashamed of?
  6. Do you play inappropriate games, or act ignorant on them?
  7. Do you think you’re perfect or the best?
  8. Do you EVER put in effort?
  9. Are you rude?
  10. Do you care for your family more than money?

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