ME AND U QUIZZ ok this is just to fill in words

mn;johjafksjdlkjalkfj;akdjal;fjd;lsjlkfja;sdfj;kasdflajklfj;lsajfl;kajsfjkdlsjfkljsaldjfkljsdfkjksdjkl;fjkldsjsklajfkdjklfjlkajskfdljasdkljflkdjlfkj ,n.


Created by: dsassaassa
  2. whats my fav actor
  3. how am i most likely gonna die
  4. what am i most likely gonna get arested for
  5. where is my dream house
  6. whats my dream way to travel
  7. who is my best friend
  8. who would i rather kill
  9. tessa do u love christell
  10. what is my dream house
  11. fav colour
  12. my fav movie

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