
There are true friends, acquaintances and strangers. Find out which one you are by taking the McWhatTheFuqIsThisTest. Try not to Google, although most of you will anyway.

Are YOU a McFriend? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to the Devil Man, in just a few minutes you will find out if you really know me, or you just think you do.

Created by: Devil Man
  1. What is Devil Mans favorite color?
  2. How old is Devil Man... In Dog years?
  3. What is Devil Mans favorite Chinese dish?
  4. What is Devil Mans religion spelled backwards?
  5. Devil Man is too sexy for this:
  6. Devil Mans future band will be called:
  7. Stop, Drop and...
  8. "Not that it's important, but...I WAS DEAD!" was said by Devil Mans favorite comedian:
  9. Devil Man loves to masturbate with:
  10. The numerical value of � truncated to 50 decimal places is:

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