math quiz for kids

find out that you are smart or if your not smart try you hardest ! try your hardest and have fun and good luckhopefully you can pass your schoolwork and no cheating !!!!

some might be trick questions so use your mind to see if you'll fail math or not ! ( i don't mean to be mean :) )have fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: pizza
  1. what is 1+1 (EASY ... sort of ...)
  2. what's 44+44 ? hehehe
  3. what is 8x2 .come on ....
  4. let faith decide
  5. what is 6+9
  6. 2+2
  7. pizza + sushi
  8. choose one !
  9. 78+9
  10. are you so dumb IQ=21

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