math quiz for adults

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welcome to Baldi's basics and education and learning, that's NOT me. this is a quiz about everyone's favourite subject, math!!! now I need to stop talking like Baldi. now let's get into it!!!👩🏾‍⚖️

are you an adult? if yes, answer this quiz! I already told you this quiz is for adults. right? don't worry if you're too young to answer, just try your best children!!!👩🏻‍🏫👨🏼‍🏫

Created by: ricelthericegirl
  1. 1+1
  2. 2-2
  3. 3 x 3
  4. let's make it a little harder. 12345 + 54321
  5. 10-1000
  6. 60 x 60
  7. 90÷2
  8. MORE HARD!!! 985480 + 188610
  9. 184757 - 796634
  10. 107680 x 117266
  11. 588663 ÷ 493820
  12. HARDER!!!!! 1589953531384 +52479346002
  13. 325158780627-279162716458
  14. 669998784370 x 4582489923020
  15. 4981849468317 ÷ 368756712422
  16. MORE HARDER!!!!!!!!!! 6.256797548499801e+23 + 4.872536392820378e+23
  17. 2.2414508260811296e+23 - 1.0838368776333847e+23
  18. 1.4395952887947954e+23 x 1.8878861854470875
  19. 9.033015209700967e+24 ÷ 6.251283859157216e+23
  20. sorry, this was for the easy round, 20 ÷ 20
  21. now my made up math. ! +#
  22. @^ - !$
  23. $ X ^
  24. @ ¿ !
  25. algebra time!!! 3n + 3 = 12
  26. 3y + 4 = 10
  27. 2m + 2 = 8
  28. 2w + 3 = 7
  29. 2c + 2 = -6
  30. 2d + 2 = -2
  31. lv.medium. 10z + 77 = 967
  32. 44b + 22 = 3146
  33. 13m + 21 = -395
  34. 84n + 55 = -1877
  35. lv.hard. 527a + 257 = 470341
  36. 975z + 911 = 368486
  37. 308m + 27 = -252481
  38. 743n + 873 = -147727
  39. I am ricelthericegirl, you can call me rice.
  40. it's baldi's basics and education and learning, that's me
  41. congratulations!!! you finish the math quiz!!!

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