match maker quiz

There are many wedded people out there. there are many people who need love in their lives and so I just wanted to help. :) I hope you find your true love someday.

But are you really ready for a relationship? Do you have all the cuteness and that down? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to my cool quiz you might find out.

Created by: wendy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you see in a guy?
  2. What is your idea for a date night
  3. What name would it be close to
  4. What genre of a movie would it be
  5. If he puts his arm around you...what do you do
  6. You need to use the bathroom right in the middley of your date you say...
  7. You see a cute guy what do you say
  8. What color eyes would he have
  9. Which would you choose
  10. Do you think he likes you

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