Malteser ingrdients

This quiz will test how much you know about the obscure facts about Maltesers chocolate. From the E numbers and ingredients, to the packaging. How well will you do?

We basically did this because we had nothing better to do and we found a Maltesers packet, this is a huge time waste. You need to get a life if you are considering taking this quiz

Created by: ThisIsAQuizName
  1. Which of these is in Maltesers?
  2. ......
  3. .....
  4. Which of these is the barcode?
  5. How many calories per 100g?
  6. Which of these is in the centre of a Malteser?
  7. Which of these is an emulsifier in Maltesers?
  8. What glazing agent is used?
  9. Who makes Maltesers?
  10. Should we get a life?

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